Vegetation was created on the third day but did not grow because God had not made it rain. Rain is granted to Man from God as ה’ אלקים (see Concepts, Names of God). God’s development of the earth is directly linked to Man’s moral growth.
This is why this verse states that ה’ אלקים had not brought rain. The fact that rain exists is a law of nature. There is rain because of God operating as אלקים. When, where and how it rains, is governed by God as ‘ה as part of His moral education of Man. There are many aspects of the running of the world that God handed over to His angels. The “key of rain” however, God kept for Himself to be directly involved in the development of the world based on Man’s moral standing.
The verse tells us that there was no rain because Man was not there to work the soil (to service the earth). Although Man is master over the earth, by his using the earth correctly as אדם, as directed by God, he is doing a service to the earth. The earth is purely physical. Man is a free willed, moral being. Man’s use of the earth correctly, furthers its higher purpose, now becoming a participant in a free willed service to God.
Beraishis 2:5, Pages 51-53