Beraishis 3H The New State of Man – עצבון – Sacrifice

Woman is told she will have much עצבון and she will bear children with עצבון.

Man is told in verse 17 בעצבון תאכלנה.

The word עצבון is related to the word עזב which means forsake. With the letter צ in place of the ז it means to have to give something up against one’s will.

After the sin, Man is no longer at harmony with nature. Nature no longer smiles at Man ready to flourish without opposition. This moment is the beginning of a new phase of history where in order for Man to attain one pleasure he must give up another pleasure. This is the beginning of thousands of years of Man’s education.

The greatest joy is to have a child. But in order to attain this, women will now have to sacrifice their own flesh and blood.

Men will labor and sacrifice day and night to have food and shelter.

Women will feel dependent on men for their food and shelter. This will create a challenge to the original, natural state of equality between husband and wife. Only through the Torah’s influence will this equality be restored completely. (see Mishlei 12:4 where a wife is called the crown of her husband, also Mishlei 31:10 where a wife is called the invaluable pearl of his life.)

Beraishis 3:16-19, Pages 83-86


Beraishis 2Q They Were Naked and Were Not Ashamed

1. At that time they were both of one mind, dedicating body and soul completely to fulfilling God’s will. There was nothing to feel ashamed about.

Shame is a feeling of being disappointed in ones expectations of one’s self and Adam and Eve had no reason to feel any dissapointment. Nothing about their physical, sensual side was in opposition to their calling. It was part of their calling. The pure human body, directed by heeding God’s laws, is no less holy than the soul!

When a person makes use of his senses to serve himself rather than God, then there is shame in nakedness.

2. The Torah stresses that both Man and Woman were naked and not ashamed. Both were directing their complete selves toward godliness.

In some societies there is an expectation that girls are holy and chaste but the same is not expected of the boys and men. The Torah opposes this thought. Men and women are equally expected to uplift themselves in body and spirit. Men are given the mitzvah of ברית מילה as a warning to be holy in this area of life. See more on this in the Comment Man in the Image of God – Holiness of the Body.

Beraishis 2:25, Pages 70-72



All animals, birds, fish etc. are divided into sexes but there is a very big difference between all of them and humans. They were all created at the same time, male and female. Each was created independent of one another. Each can carry out its mission in life without the other one. The only need in their uniting is to breed. However, humans were created one as part of the other. The woman is עזר כנגדו. Their lives are unfulfilled without one another.

A man is to work hand in hand with his wife to fulfill their joint mission. He cannot do this alone. The expression ודבק באשתו , he shall cleave to his wife, is only stated by humans.

This unity takes place when both invest their minds, emotions and spirit to to be subordinate to and directed by a Higher Will. Together they form אדם.

Beraishis 2:24, Pages 69-70

See Commentary on עזר כנגדו


Beraishis 2P Marriage – ודבק באשתו

All animals, birds, fish etc. are divided into sexes but there is a very big difference between all of them and humans. They were all created at the same time, male and female. Each was created independent of one another. Each can carry out its mission in life without the other one. The only need in their uniting is to breed. However, humans were created one as part of the other. The woman is עזר כנגדו. Their lives are unfulfilled without one another.

A man is to work hand in hand with his wife to fulfill their joint mission. He cannot do this alone. The expression ודבק באשתו , he shall cleave to his wife, is only stated by humans.

This unity takes place when both invest their minds, emotions and spirit to to be subordinate to and directed by a Higher Will. Together they form אדם.

Beraishis 2:24, Pages 69-70



Beraishis 2O Woman formed from Man’s Side

1. Man’s body was formed out of the earth but Woman’s body was formed out of Man’s body which was already a feeling, sensitive being. Our sages teach us that this is the source of a woman’s female character, temperament, voice and her developing both spiritually and mentally earlier than men.

2. At the creation of Woman, Man declares that after searching unsuccessfully all created beings, he could not find anyone who could stand beside him and join him in his mission as אדם until the creation of Woman. No other being on earth has free will. Woman stands alongside Man to become a complete אדם. The name אשה does not imply Woman’s dependance on Man but rather Woman’s equality with Man.

Beraishis 2:22-23, Pages 68-69


Beraishis 2M The Creation of Woman as עזר כנגדו, Marriage

Until Woman was created the “good” that was to be proclaimed about the world was not complete. The perfection of the world could never come about without Woman.
Our sages taught us that a without a wife a man cannot become a Man. Husband and wife in marriage can become אדם. See Commentary on נעשה אדם.

Man’s task is too great to accomplish alone. To accomplish this Woman was created for Man. The wording of the Torah expressing Woman’s role is עזר כנגדו, a helper beside him. Nowhere in this role is the notion of sexuality brought up. A woman is not to be the object of Man’s lust. Woman stands parallel to Man, standing beside him, with complete equality and independence, sharing mankind’s mission.

RSRH explains the inner meaning of the word עזר to mean one who helps in a way that relieves the person from some of his tasks, allowing him to focus on the remaining tasks more completely. (See his commentary here for a full explanation.)

God created a woman as opposed to creating another man, because the intention was to create a different kind of person, who would not duplicate the tasks of man, but rather have a different position than man. Mand and Woman compliment one another. Woman does not stand with Man but next to him.  Each stands at a different point along the same line.

Beraishis 2:18, Pages 64-66




Man’s Mission: Form Godly Families and Society

God blessed Man and Woman and commanded them (they must chose of their own free will to obey) Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it.

1. Be fruitful – Marriage. The most noble traits of godliness and humaneness, innate in all parents, unite to produce children.

2. Multiply – The Home. Found a home where you will nurture and educate your children, thereby creating an environment where your ideals and values become theirs.

3. Fill the earth – Society. This is not merely a mission for individual families. Create a society where these higher values are fostered and encouraged.Every individual must concern himself with the whole.

4. Conquer the earth. Only when the first three conditions are met, is Man granted permission to make use of God’s world. All his possessions are to serve the higher goal of creating the generation and society of godly people.

Beraishis 1:28, Pages 33-36


Beraishis 1O Man’s Mission: Form Godly Families and Society

God blessed Man and Woman and commanded them (they must chose of their own free will to obey) Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it.

1. Be fruitful – Marriage. The most noble traits of godliness and humaneness, innate in all parents, unite to produce children.

2. Multiply – The Home. Found a home where you will nurture and educate your children, thereby creating an environment where your ideals and values become theirs.

3. Fill the earth – Society. This is not merely a mission for individual families. Create a society where these higher values are fostered and encouraged.Every individual must concern himself with the whole.

4. Conquer the earth. Only when the first three conditions are met, is Man granted permission to make use of God’s world. All his possessions are to serve the higher goal of creating the generation and society of godly people.

There is no division in life between holy and mundane. Building a family and being part of society are not separate and distinct from divine matters. They are one and the same. God asks for the whole of life to be dedicated to His service. The is the calling of אדם.

Beraishis 1:28, Pages 33-36
