Adar II – Part 1 – Contrasting Dimensions of Greatness, Israel’s Greatness: Four Concepts – ארבע פרשיות

The Sun and the Moon – The Two Great Luminaries

וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹקים יְהִי מְאֹרֹת בִּרְקִיעַ הַשָּׁמַיִם לְהַבְדִּיל בֵּין הַיּוֹם וּבֵין הַלָּיְלָה וְהָיוּ לְאֹתֹת וּלְמוֹעֲדִים וּלְיָמִים וְשָׁנִיםוַיַּעַשׂ אֱלֹקים אֶת שְׁנֵי הַמְּאֹרֹת הַגְּדֹלִים אֶת הַמָּאוֹר הַגָּדֹל לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַיּוֹם וְאֶת הַמָּאוֹר הַקָּטֹן לְמֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַלַּיְלָה וְאֵת הַכּוֹכָבִים.

God said: Let there be a system of light-bearers in the vault of the sky to separate day from night, and they shall serve also as signs and for festive seasons, and for cycles of days and years… And so it was God Who made the two great light-bearers, the great light-bearer to rule over the day, and the small light-bearer to rule over the night, and the stars.

The sun produces an abundance of light. Its domain is the day. It controls the cycle of seasons on earth. It enables plants to grow and wakes up man to lively activity. It is so strong that it blinds the eye that looks directly at it. But the sun has its limitations. It only rules by day.

The moon’s light is softer. Its light is gentler, offering some light to those who travel at night. Its light increases and decreases in cycles. Even though night is its main domain, it is still visible in the day. It remains visible, modestly and quietly, as if it were a silent companion to the sun. And yet, as soon as the sun sets, it rises on the horizon.

Not only do the sun and the moon provide a way to calculate time, they are also intended to be encounters with God – מועדים and symbols – אותות,  teaching man the truths of life.

The sun’s radiating power and effectiveness is very strong. From the light of the sun blossoms forth all physical development. But it retreats completely when the rule of the moon begins.

The moon is rarely very bright. It is constantly changing and is always struggling for light. It fulfill its mission with modesty and mildness and remains in the background until the sun sets. Then it gently lights the nights.

Symbolism of the Sun and the Moon

Man as an individual can strive for two kinds of greatness. 1) He can aim for material wealth, power and authority. Just as the sun sets, these attributes, more often than not, tend to dissipate in the course of a lifetime. 2) He can aspire to spiritual-moral greatness. Like the moon, this is seldom fully achieved and can easily be lost again. Its fulfillment isn’t in the final goal but in the eternal striving towards self-perfection. Such a person is aware of his imperfections as he strives to improve. Before him is the challenge of the material world, inviting him to seek power and glory. At the end, the spiritual-moral quality will outlast and survive the physical limitations of the human. (GS – eventually even the mighty, rich and famous die.)

Similarly a nation can strive for two kinds of greatness. 1) It can conquer and build empires, becoming mighty and famous. But when that kingdom is overthrown it becomes just a part of history. 2) Alternatively, a nation can aspire to live by truth and a way of life that ennobles man. It will not strive for fame and glory. Others won’t tremble in fear of its attacks. Other nations may mock this nation. It seems so weak and irrelevant. This nation’s material success will increase or decrease relative to how it is reaching its goal of being a moral-spiritual nation. While it may often be in decline, this nation never disappears. Others will come to know of it as the eternal people.

See Talmud Chulin 60b where the moon is comforted by God for the role it will play in history. The mitzvah of sanctifying the new moon is how the moon teaches the Jewish people to continue to strive for spirituality-morality in the face of a materialistic world. Ultimately, spirituality-morality will prevail and materialism will be uplifted for the purpose of spirituality.

Esav lives by the sword. His descendants count their years by the light of the sun. Yaakov’s power is in prayer and study of Torah. His descendants count their years by the light of the moon. They go about their work by day and by night. They often aren’t noticed. The rest of the world is seeking power and glory. However, Yaakov’s spirit is ever there, enlightening this world and the world to come. The sun shines but eventually sets. The moon slowly grows in power. The Jewish people count by the light of the moon. At times they need to recalculate, to catch up with the timing of the sun, completing its yearly cycle.

In the course of history, when Esav’s light diminishes and fades, Yaakov’s light fills the earth.

See Part Two


Adar II – Part 2 – Contrasting Dimensions of Greatness, Israel’s Greatness: Four Concepts – ארבע פרשיות

See Part 1

Yaakov and his descendants’ task is to bring spirituality and morality to a world that often seeks materialism, power and glory. The four Torah portions that are read, leading up to Pesach, provide a way for Yaakov’s descendants to stay on course and not succumb to the lure and luster of such a world.

Early on, Yaakov encountered his brother Esav and wrestled with him during the night. What thoughts did Yaakov have to help him endure? What lessons do they teach us?

Shekalim – שקלים

As the moon felt outshined by the sun, Yaakov’s descendants must not allow themselves to feel unimportant compared to a world they may not always succeed in materially. They must have self confidence and self esteem in their mission and always be aware of the vital role they play.

Each member must contribute to the shared moral-spiritual assignment of the Jewish people. In that way, no matter how small their contribution, it is a significant one.

If you allow yourself to be impressed by what the world chases after, you will only be important so long as you are wealthy. The moment you lose that, you become irrelevant.

Rather, realize that your role in history is to be part of the building of God’s Sanctuary. Your half shekel is actually a whole shekel. Your contribution combines with the full strength of your brother, combining to be co-builders of God’s Sanctuary.

Your life and your energies will become elevated as “a remembrance before God” a זכרון לפני השם.

Join forces to help reawaken the awareness which links you and your people eternally to God.

This is the calling of פרשת שקלים.

Zachor – זכור

The Jews are destined to be the eternal people of history. They wander the earth, living among the nations of the world. They suffer along with mankind as empires undergo upheavals and change. Their role is to salvage what can be salvaged from the shipwrecks of the past history of man.

From the start, we were given the stern warning to not be dazzled by the material light, no matter how impressive it may be. We are not to fear the sword of Esav and nations that further that view of life. We must always be aware that the days of any given power are numbered, if they don’t accept that the ultimate victory of man is based on man’s spiritual and moral destiny.

Amalek, descendant of Esav attacked the Jews ולא ירא אלקים – without fear of God. When Moshe’s hand were raised to God, the Jews were victorious. As long as we keep our focus on God, materialistic Amalek will be defeated. This is a battle מדור דור that continues through every generation of history. World history is the sum total of God’s battle against the Amalek materialism. God’s leadership assures the ultimate victory of spirit over matter.

Yaakov’s descendants may be “small” as the moon is small. You may be defenseless. Carry God’s banner throughout history. Fight the battle within yourselves as well, to not be pulled into the glitter and lure of materialism.

The successful outcome of this struggle is purity – טהרה and the Torah defines this tahara through the lessons of the פרה אדומה.

Purity/The Red Heifer – טהרה\פרה

In Hirsch’s commentary to Bemidbar Ch. 19 (esp. pages 425-439) he goes into great detail of the symbolism of every aspect of the preparation of the Parah Adumah as well as the notion of spiritual/moral impurity and the process of removing that. In his essay here in CW V2, he highlights the key lesson as follows:

You possess God-given priestly energy. Do not lose sight of that, even when you observe things that challenge you, such as death where it may appear that there is no moral/spiritual side and that everything comes to an end, overpowered by natural forces.

  • The unrestrained animal (representing material forces within man and the world) is brought in view of the entrance to the Temple.
  • The priest looks towards the Temple and with his hand he subdues it (by slaughtering it) (Man’s free will overcomes the physical and directs it to the spiritual by exercising his free will.)
  • With his hand he dedicates the energy of the animal as a consecration to God’s Temple (by directing its blood 7 [ie complete and total] times in that direction).

The message of the Parah Adumah is a repudiation of the error that the free Godly spirit within man is subject to the material. Every Jew must be a priest and model of a moral life which is directed, led and dedicated to God by the free Godly spirit in man.

Death does not instruct Judaism about life. A corpse does not teach man to understand himself. A corpse decays, man is lives forever. The dead body is טמא (unclean), man is טהור pure and clean. When a person dies all the mechanical tool of the body decay, but during his lifetime they are directed by the spirit which goes on living forever.

The Temple bans death and corpses from the reality of priestly life. This message is reviewed each year when we read פרשת פרה.

Sanctification of the New Moon – החודש

חדש means renewal and rejuvenation. Those who live a life where the sun always shines on them are blissful. But those who felt the loneliness of night and now feel the joys of the light of day are even happier.

The angels don’t know sin and they exist in a state of bliss, always joyfully performing the will of God. Even more joyful are those who raise themselves from the mire of sin to light and purity, who struggle for light, who battle from purity.

As the Jews were about to leave Egypt, God gave the command: החדש הזה לכם – this renewal and rejuvenation is yours. And this guarantees our destiny and survival.

In Egypt the nation found itself in the shackles of sin and death. God said, “Arise and live!” Throughout history the Jew has found himself in difficult situations, often feeling despair. The same God speaks throughout the ages with the same message: “Arise and live!”

Just as God told the moon, “Renew your light”, just as God bring about spring following the winter, so too God tells man, “Renew yourself in the rejuvenating spring of new life. החדש הזה לכם.”

As the verse in Amos (5:4) teaches, we will always be able to find this new light and life. We have no need to go the Temple or the priest. דרשוני וחיו “Seek Me and live, for you will always find Me.”


Beraishis 15J – Avraham is Prepared to Conquer the Land of Canaan

Following Avraham’s victory in the battle against the 4 kings, when he rescued his nephew Lot, God told him that he will have biological children who will in inherit him. Avraham had complete faith in God’s promise. The next verse God tells Avraham, “I took you out of Ur Kasdim to give you this land, to take possession of it.” To that promise, Avraham asks, “how will I know that I will take possession of it”?

RSRH says this cannot be taken to mean a lack of faith (as some interpret the verse). It also doesn’t mean “in what merit will I inherit the land (as others explain.)

RSRH explains that the word לרשתה was never used before in previous or later promises (see commentary for sources) . The verb ירש has such a strong connotation of independent action that it sometimes means “to conquer”; in fact it is used in this sense in connection with the conquest of the Land (see Devarim 1:21, also Devarim 1:8, 2:24, 2:31 and 9:23).

What Avraham was being told was that he (actually, his descendants, as he will soon understand) will be given the land, so that he should take possession of it as a conquer.

Avraham believed this fully. (With God’s intervention he had indeed just won a major war.) What he now asked was, “How will I know that the time has come for me to conquer and possess the land? (GS- במה אדע would then be translated as “by what indicator will I know?”)

Hence, the question doesn’t show a lack of faith on Avraham’s part, rather it shows his deep belief in God’s promise and his willingness to do whatever is asked of him by God.

[God’s response follows in the next verses (9-21) in the Covenant Between the Pieces. Avraham himself will not inherit the land. The phase of increased prosperity for Avraham will move to another phase. It will only be the 4th generation who will take possession of the Land by conquest. Before that the nation will need to become formed and molded by God, enduring the difficulties that lie ahead. At the end of that period, they will be ready to become God’s people and take possession of the Land.]

Beraishis 15:8
pages 360-361


Nissan 6 – Symbolism of Korban Pesach (and Bris Bein Habesarim)

Three thousand years have passed since the time the Jewish people were in Egypt. The prophecy of their experience had been foretold to Avraham at the Covenant Between the Pieces.

Symbolism of the ברית בין הבתרים

They were aliens – בארץ לא להם. In Egypt people were property of the state. The lowest rung of society were those who had no land. Yaakov and his family were called “Ivrim” – those who passed by, homeless. There weren’t entitled to anything. Therefore they had to serve their hosts. – ועבדום. And they were oppressedוענו אותם.

Avraham is told to take three sets of three animals, each with  an ox, a ram, a goat. There were two birds as well, a turtledove and a young pigeon.

  • The ox symbolizes productive (human) strength.
  • The ram (that leads the flock) symbolizes human leadership founded on possessions and natural gifts.
  • The goat represents the energy and determination to resist anything pulling it away from following the shepherd.
  • The birds don’t have the strength of these animals but they do have the ability to soar high, above the dangers of the earth.

Each group represents one generation that possessed all the qualities found in these animals. Even so, for three generations they would endure oppression. Just as the bodies of these animals were cut in half, so to the qualities of these generations would be attacked and suppressed (symbolized by the birds of prey that attacked the carcasses of the animals.)

At the time of the redemption, the terror would end. The moment of God’s word would arrive. God will reassemble the parts and the birds will rise above towards Godly heights, greeting the morning of humanity with cries of joy! The birds that symbolize the immortal power of the nation were never divided. It is in the makeup of this people to be the carriers of God’s call to life and liberation.

The Korban Pesach & its Symbolism

דַּבְּרוּ אֶל כָּל עֲדַת יִשְׂרָאֵל לֵאמֹר בֶּעָשֹׂר לַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה וְיִקְחוּ לָהֶם אִישׁ שֶׂה לְבֵית אָבֹת שֶׂה לַבָּיִת . וְאִם יִמְעַט הַבַּיִת מִהְיֹת מִשֶּׂה וְלָקַח הוּא וּשְׁכֵנוֹ הַקָּרֹב אֶל בֵּיתוֹ בְּמִכְסַת נְפָשֹׁת אִישׁ לְפִי אָכְלוֹ תָּכֹסּוּ עַל הַשֶּׂה. שֶׂה תָמִים זָכָר בֶּן שָׁנָה יִהְיֶה לָכֶם מִן הַכְּבָשִׂים וּמִן הָעִזִּים תִּקָּחוּ

At the time of this reawakening and liberation, God commanded the offering of the Korban Pesach as their Magna Carta ie. their mission statement.

At the ברית בין הבתרים God commanded Avraham with the words קחה לי – Take for me. At the Korban Pesach, God uses the words ויקחו להם – Let them take for themselves. Finally, after 3 generations of complete sacrifice, let them take for themselves…

The verse of Korban Pesach continues…

איש .1 – Every one of them. Each individual matters. Every individual is to have a personal relationship with God. This is not just a general independence of a mass of people. Every individual matters.

Each person is granted independence and human dignity. (This korban is both a קרבן ציבור and a קרבן יחיד – a personal and a shared public sacrifice. The meaning behind this is that the nation is a nation by virtue of its individuals.)

2. שה – A lamb. The lamb is an animal that joyfully follows its shepherd. The nation had just endured centuries of suffering. They had learned to endure through resignation of their fate determined by God. Now they were to begin a relationship of joyfully submitting to God’s guidance in life.

3. שה לבית אבות – A sheep for the house of the father.
4. שה לבית – A sheep for the home.

This is the cornerstone of the Jewish people. The past is the bedrock of the future. The father of the home learns his values from his parents and passes them on to his children. Here we are taught of the importance of the Jewish home! (RSRH discusses how the Jewish people merited to be redeemed by retaining their identities through keeping their names, language and dress. He presents a passionate appeal for educating the next generation to live by Jewish teachings to be the primary focus of the Jewish home.)

5. ואם ימעט הבית מהיות משה – If the household is too small for a lamb, then let him and his neighbor join together to partake of this lamb.

The lesson here is another central lesson in the formation of the Jewish nation: It is not need but overabundance, not destitution, but rather the longing for love; not sympathy, but rather duty which unites the homes and families of the People of God into a society, into a Nation. The rich man must seek out the poor in order to apply the surplus blessing granted him by God.

6. איש לפי אכלו תכסו על השה – Our sages explain the meaning of the verse to say that even after agreeing to join the meal, one is permitted to withdraw from the group all the way until the time it is slaughtered. The lesson here is: The poor man who receives retains his dignity. He is considered an equal and does not forfeit his independence by joining another household. Even if has joined someone’s table he can withdraw and go to another table at any time.

7. תמים – Unblemished. Whole. Just as God asked Avraham (at the time he was commanded to circumcise himself) to walk before God “whole”, so remains the need always to be whole in our service to God. Our whole being must be place under God’s guidance, unconditionally. This means dedication all aspects of ourselves – our spirit, body, heart, thoughts, deed, productivity, work, joy, individual life, family life and communal life.

8. זכר – Male. Vigorous and manly with strong feelings and clear thoughts. Led by God’s hand they are to go through their personal life and national history upright and with strength. Free and willingly.

9. בן שנה – Young! Always in the first year of our youth! Always feeling youthful devotion! Always with youthful vigor! The strength of #8 must never be taken for granted. One must always look within to be fresh and new!

All of the above are to be observed each year on Pesach, to teach the foundational lessons that form the immortal People of God!

Collected Writings, Volume 1
pages 103-111

Tammuz 1 – The 17th of Tammuz – The לוחות and the עגל הזהב

To understand all the tragedies that occurred on the seventeenth of Tammuz, we must study the first tragic occurance in Jewish history on this day. That is the sin of the golden calf. We have been taught that every future catastrophe will be due in part to this sin and will have in part to make atonement for this sin.

On the 17th of Tammuz Moshe was to come down with the Luchos of the Ten Commandments. On that day Moshe found the Jewish people dancing around the golden calf and his reaction was to break the Luchos. The shattered pieces were gathered up and put together with the second set of Luchos to serve as a lesson for the future.

The Luchos were proof that God spoke with Moshe on Har Sinai. They also were to teach the manner in which God’s word was to be carried out.

  • The Luchos were were made of stone, but written by the finger of God. This teaches that we must allow the earthly material to be moved and shaped by the finger of God. We must not allow the world of spirit and God’s word to exist in one area of our life and the world of the material to exist in a separate area of our life. Our whole earthly material should receive its stamp and value and its shape from the finger of God so that our earthly existence is a monument and a document given by God and testifying to God.
  • The Luchos were written on both sides, מזה ומזה. The writing penetrated through the entire stone. This teaches that the word of God should not be received superficially. They must penetrate us, through and through, leaving an indelible stamp on us, visible every side we turn. The writing could be read on both sides. We are exhorted to be a Jew in every aspect of our lives. In relation to God there is no front side and reverse side. Every side faces God.
  • The writing was the writing of God graven through, mastering the tablets. חרות על הלוחות. The word of God engraved on the stone became the master of the stone. The stone itself becomes spiritual, defying the laws of nature. The stone does not bear the writing. The writing bears the stone! The Torah carries Israel. Israel’s existence is one big miracle and it is God and His Torah that carries us. From our very beginning we were homeless slaves. Our entire existence is from God and to be dedicated to God.

The sin of the golden calf begins with our need to have a man lead us. The people felt they needed something in addition to the pure word of God. With complete faith in God and a strong commitment to carry out His word there is no need for anything else. Instead, religion became a cult. Even with the Torah in their arms they looked to other religions and cultures to emulate what others had created for themselves.

Later in our history we committed the same sin when we asked for a Jewish king that would lead us politically and militarily. This had its root in the same sin. They wanted to banish religion to the Temple and have a separate sphere for their homes, cities land and state.

Many years later this occurred again. After a period of awakening, the Maccabees who had earlier helped the nation fight Hellenism and recommit to the Torah, kept the position of king for themselves, rather than cede it to the tribe of Yehuda as the Torah dictates. They dissociated the state affairs with the Torah. The home and family was still permeated with the spirit of the Torah but it vanished from the conduct of the state.

Hirsch concludes this essay with the following message: We have been exiled and the state has been taken away from us. With only God to sustain us we have learned to stay faithful. From time to time throughout the exile God has showered us with good fortune and prosperity. This is a test to see if we are ready to return to have a state once more and to finally dedicate all aspects of our life to God and his Torah. Thus far we have failed that test. We have looked at prosperity and success as separate from the religious aspects of our lives. When that happens, it is taken away. God will continue this process until the time that we will be ready to completely dedicate everything to God.

Collected Writings, Volume 1
Pages 279-286


Tammuz 3 – Why the Land was Lost – Audio Shiur

Why the Land was Lost – for the 3 Weeks (based on Collected Writings on Tammuz)


Tammuz 3 “Why has the Land gone to Ruin?” – God’s Answer

Source Sheet – Why was the land lost

“Who is a man so wise that he could ascertain this? Who is there to whom the mouth of God has spoken that he could answer this? Why has the land gone to ruin and become like a desert, empty of men?”

The question was put before the sages and they didn’t know how to answer it. It was put before the prophets and they didn’t know how to answer it. God Himself answered it:

“Then God said: Because they abandoned My Torah, which I had placed before them, and because of that did not listen to My Voice and did not walk in it (the ways of the Torah).”

Asks the Gemara, aren’t the two ideas the same (not listening to God’s voice and not walking in the ways of the Torah)? The Gemara answers in the name of Rav Yehuda in the name of Rav: The meaning behind the verse is that שלא ברכו בתורה תחילה – they did not first say the Bracha over the Torah.

(Yirmiyahu 9, Nedarim 81)


When the sages asked why the land went to ruin, they were not implying that logically the land should have been safe and secure. They understood well that the armies of the Babylonians and later the Romans were larger and stronger than those of Israel. They understood that Israel’s location, being at the crossroads of the East and the West, made it extremely vulnerable to being conquered. Rather, they understood that Israel had survived for a thousand years on its land, miraculously. They were asking what was the reason God no longer sustained them on their land with His Divine Providence. The moment God removed His powerful protection, they would lose the land by natural means.

Again and again Israel repeated the same pattern of  –  שמנת עבית כשית – You grew fat and gross and course (Deut. 35:15). For the majority of its time on the Land, every time the nation experienced blessing it allowed that blessing to overtake their better senses and become a cause of separation from God. Over and over God sent the people warnings and suffering to educate them to correct this mistake. Each time they repented but then repeated the same mistake. The sages were asking: Why didn’t Israel emerge from its centuries-long school of suffering strengthened adequately to withstand the test of good fortune?

God’s answer was: Because they abandoned My Torah which I placed before them.

Rabbenu Yona explains: The verse can’t be understood literally, that they weren’t learning Torah. If that were the case, the sages and prophets would have known this. The answer would have been obvious. Rather, they did learn Torah but שלא ברכו בתורה תחילה – they did not first say the Bracha over the Torah.

RSRH offers two explanations of שלא ברכו בתורה תחילה:

1. In a novel understanding of the phrase שלא ברכו בתורה תחילה, he translates it as: They didn’t consider the Torah as the blessing from which all other blessings come. They didn’t consider the Torah to be the first of their blessings and the source of all blessings. The Torah was to them just one of their possessions. It wasn’t their primary task. It was viewed as just one of their various occupations. The Torah didn’t take precedence in their minds over their other possessions and so they did not praise God, for the Torah, above all else. God had “put the Torah before them” – meaning, at every turn of life the Torah was intended to be their guide and measuring stick. All of life was to be directed by the eyes of the Torah. They failed to allow this to happen.

The path to becoming distant from God is as follows: First, for various reasons, one isn’t filled with complete love and appreciation of the Torah. One begins to study other knowledge and acquire possessions. Next, instead of viewing this knowledge and wealth as tools to serve God, they become goals to strive for, separate from and independent of a relationship with God. Once that happens we will no longer measure the extent that we pursue these areas of our lives by the measurement of what God asks of us in His Torah. Our hearts become divided. We no longer belong to God with an undivided heart and soul. We have dual sets of priorities. That is the first generation…

What does the education such parents give their children look like? They will be taught שלא לברך בתורה תחילה. Not to place the Torah as the guiding point of life. The parents will be satisfied with a minimum Jewish education and be happy if their children can read Hebrew and have a superficial knowledge of some Torah ideas. The parents will worry if the child is taking his religious duties too seriously, taking a more religious outlook on life. What is the likely outcome of such an education? The entire path to apostasy has been prepared…

2. The classic understanding of the phrase שלא ברכו בתורה תחילה is that they did not say a Bracha before learning Torah. RSRH develops this according to his understanding of the concept of blessing and his overall approach to learning Torah as follows:

They approached Torah as they would any other subject. The commitment to fulfill what we study before we study was lacking. We should fist step toward God before we open the book of His Teaching. When we set out to study, we should wish to bless Him. Blessing God means to seek to carry out His will. (To further appreciate the concept of blessing God see RSRH in Horeb, at the beginning of the section called Avodah. Also, listen to my shiur called An Approach to Tefillah in the audio section.) 

When we learn Torah with the intent to listen to the commandments and carry them out, we learn לשמה. This is the way Torah was intended to be learned which is ללמוד וללמד לשמור ולעשות – to learn in order to teach and fulfill. When we do so, the Torah we learn becomes a knowledge of the Divine Will.

The approach to learning begins with the question: “How must we shape our life?” and the answer we have is “So that it might please our Father in Heaven.” When this spirit of duty – this Bracha concept, leads to the Torah, then the Torah will again lead to acceptance of duty. Then the Torah will bring us closer to our great Goal. There is no value inherent in the learning of Torah if it is not done for the purpose of bring us nearer to the Goal. גדול תלמוד שמביא לידי מעשה

Collected Writings Volume 1
pages 297-307
