Our sages (Sanhedrin 56b) teach us that this verse has all seven Noahide Laws contained within it.
וַיְצַו – דינין
Just as a commandment means assigning someone to his post, so too society must live by their duties and not step beyond their bounds. For this purpose they must set up courts to establish and uphold these boundaries.
ה’ – ברכת השם
This name of God emphasizes the relationship God has with mankind. It is self understood that blasphemy is a breach in this relationship.
אלקים – ע”ז
This name of God emphasizes God being the sole Creator and unifying force of all the forces of the universe. This implies serving no other perceived God alongside the sole God.
עַל-הָאָדָם – שפיחת דמים
If even with one’s own body one must use it it only in the manner God permits, all the more is there no right over another man’s body.
לֵאמֹר – גילוי עריות
The word לאמר is a reference to handing the law down via oral tradition. Our sages teach us that God chose the Jewish people to pass on His Torah to the next generation because that had the quality of sexual moral purity, as is repeated often about the Jewish people למשפחתם לבית אבותם. Therefore this verse, telling Adam to be a part of the oral tradition of God’s law (and all of mankind is to be that) must be sexually moral.
מִכֹּל עֵץ-הַגָּן – ולק מן הגזל
Man may only eat from within the area of the garden, the area designated for his use. Theft is forbidden.
אָכֹל תֹּאכֵל – ולא אבר מם החי
We may only eat that which can be אכילה – absorbed into the human body without negatively influencing it. אבר מם החי is forbidden because the body would not just absorb the flesh of the animal but even the life force of the animal. Eating a limb of an animal when the animal is still alive is forbidden.
Beraishis 2:16, Pages 62-64