Suffering and the Bigger Picture

After all the parts of creation were in place, God looked at it all – כל- and said it was very good.

The word כל in its deeper sense means the purpose behind a totality of (seemingly disconnected and even contradictory)  parts.

From a superficial perspective, the world seems imperfect. There is much suffering and hardship. True good, however, “very good”, is that which fosters spiritual and moral growth. Sometimes this may not be immediately apparent in this world. Everything in this world is for a higher purpose. We are in this world moving towards the next world. Looking at it “all”, it is very good.

This is the meaning behind the Midrash Rabbah on this verse which states that the words “very good” were referring to suffering, death and the evil inclination! All of these, despite the hardship and difficulties they create, enable Man to climb higher and grow closer to God. They must exist.

The totality of God’s creation is very good.

Beraishis 1:31, Pages 38-39

See Letter 6 of The Nineteen Letters on History

See Letter 9 of The Nineteen Letters on Exile

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