Beraishis 12D – Stage 2’s Condition: Choose to be a Blessing

ואגדלה שמך והיה ברכה
Choose to be a blessing to others and I will make your name great

The more correct translation of the phrase ואגדלה שמך is “And I wish to make your name great” (not “And I will make your name great”).

Also the next phrase “והיה ברכה” is correctly translated as “become a blessing” (not “and you will be a blessing).

God gives the Jewish people the free will to live up to the task He has set before them. He can only wish that they live up to the task. When the nation lives up to the task of 1) staying separate and then 2) being a blessing to others, then the fulfillment of Stage Two will occur. The nation will dwell prosperously and securely in their land.

The nation of Israel is to have no national politics and no national economics. The One who guaranteed its national welfare does not need to allocate funds, form coalitions, or conclude treaties. At His command are rain and sunshine, strength and life, power and victory.

While the rest of the world is concerned about “Let us make for ourselves a name”, with ambition to exert power and extend its domain – no matter what the cost (see above regarding Nimrod and his tower – GS) the nation of Avraham is to be devoted to the Divine aims of bringing harmony to mankind and to the world and restoring man to his former glory.


Beraishis 12:2
pages 292-293



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