Avraham’s contemporaries were the first ones to give expression to the idea of נעשה לנו שם – disregarding the individual’s unique relationship to God, caring only about the advancement and achievements of the community. (Nimrod, a cunning dictator, convinced the masses that this was the way of progress and better for them. He, however, put himself at the head of this new enterprise.)
Aver descended from Shem (v.14). His descendant is referred to as אברם העברי. According to Rav Yehuda’s explanation (ב”ר מ”ד,ח) this means כל העולם כולו מעבר אחד והוא מעבר אחר. The whole world stood on one side and he stood on the other side. Avram completely disapproved of the direction the entire generation had gone.
It is אברם העברי who exercises his free will and begins the world’s path back to its relationship with God. As he sets out to begin his mission, the very first thing he does in the land of Canaan is to build an altar and call out in the name of God.
As explained in the previous two posts this doesn’t simply mean declaring God’s existence. It means utilizing all energies available, from the community and the individual, in every phase of private and public life, to glorify God’s Name. To live a completely godly life, engaged in this world and society – elevating it.
(This is what living by the Torah achieves. The Jewish people are to model this for the whole world. When they achieve this, it will ultimately bring about עיקר שכינה בתחתונים in the fullest way. GS)
Beraishis 11: 10-16
pages 280-282