Beraishis 4F Man’s ability to master sensualilty

Kayin was angry that God rejected his offering and despaired about his future. He allowed his selfish tendencies to overtake him and present an unacceptable offering to God. He felt that since he had such a nature, he had no ability to be different and to have any hope for the future.

God’s response was: Whether you will accept sensuality for good or for bad, sensuality waits at the door for this purpose; its longing is toward you that you should master it. (It waits outside, by the door, peacefully, not to harm you but for you to master it. Hirsch quotes a Midrash that says sensuality is upset when man fails and allows himself to be ruled by it.)

God created the power of sensuality, not that it should control you but that you should control it. You are not to suppress it or kill it, rather rule over it and guide it. That is its whole purpose and mission.

No human quality is, in itself, good or bad. Everything depends on moral use. Without opportunities for failure, there would be no free will and man would not become noble. Man was given both opportunities for sensuality and free will in order to master his natural tendencies and use them in the proper way.

Beraishis 4:6-7
pages 129-132

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