Beraishis 3N History – The Way Back to Eden

Post Eden – History and the education of Man

Man was removed from Gan Eden and was alienated from God. When man followed his own lusts and desires he was left to himself. Man now begins the long process of of learning to put God before himself through the difficulties of life, until man longs for God’s guidance and closeness.

The Cheruvim and the flame of the ever-turning sword guard the way to the tree of life and guarantee that someday man will return.

The Cheruvim represent the traces of Divine revelation to man. This is the positive form of man’s education.

The ever-turning sword represents the misery and suffering that occur to man and society, left to his own devices. This is the negative form of man’s education.

Together, the sword and the cheruvim, suffering and revelation, guard the way to the tree of life.

The first step in this return is culture that is subordinated to morality. (See Beraishis 3O for more on this)

Beraishis 3: 23-24

pages 119-121 (in the new Hirsch Chumash)






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