Beraishis 14C – Avraham is Taught that Thriving in The Land of Israel is Dependent on Submitting to God’s Torah

Upon arrival in the land, Avraham encounters famine.

When he returns he encounters war.

God teaches Avraham that unlike Egypt which had it’s own natural resources of the Nile River, providing irrigation for its agriculture and economy, and could thereby feel independent, this land required God’s unique Providence providing rain in order for its agriculture and economy to thrive.

This land, situated at the crossroads of Asia, Europe and Africa, would be the place that many armies would travel through. The protection from invaders would be unnatural and only by the Hand of God. This is a promise by God (וחרב לא תעבר בארצכם Vayikra 26:6) that is dependent on Israel faithfully submitting to God’s Torah.


Beraishis 14:1
pages 325-326

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