Beraishis 13F – God Promises the Land to Avraham and his Descendants

After the bitter experience of Lot separating from Avraham, not just in location but spiritually and personally, God now speaks to Avraham.

God tells him, “To you, not to Lot, will I give this land. Your foremost concern is not material gain; hence, you will earn the right to the good land. I will give it to you and your descendants. .. The people that will be called by your name must descend from you; you must beget them and rear them in your own pure spirit.” Hirsch adds: A Jew should be born as a Jew, not just educated as a Jew. (GS- RSRH is saying that Lot merely took his experience and time with Avraham as an education. But to truly hope that the values live on much more than an education is required. It must be part of the formation of the next generation.)

God did not promise Avraham that  they will always possess the land. However, it will belong to them always; Israel and the land are destined for each other forever. The land was given here to Avraham, even though he never took possession of it.


Beraishis 13:14-17
Page 320

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