Beraishis 12E – Stage 3 Option – Exile and Israel’s Relationship to the Nations

ואברכה מברכיך ומקללך אאר ונברכו בך כל משפחת האדמה
I wish to bless those who bless you, and whoever brings a curse upon you, I will curse, and all the families of the earth shall be blessed through you.

This verse appears to allude to a third stage in which Avraham’s people are dependant on man. This is a stage in which man has the power to bless or to curse them.

This stage refers to Exile which would be decreed to befall this people if they would forget their mission and seek, like all other nations, to receive blessing, not to be a source of blessing.

(The nation will still retain the same mission, but exile will serve as an education to learn that their goal is to be blessed and not to place receiving blessing as their goal. – GS – culled from other places and implicit between the lines here.)

While living among the nations, those who value your principles and submit to the service of your God – those I will bless. (In other words God is wishing that we learn the lessons of exile and thus conduct ourselves in such a manner that furthering the Jewish nation will be a furthering of the well being of the nations).

God tells Avraham: I will go with you into exile. No nation will be able to deprive your descendants of their inner vitality, but the nations will be able to oppress your descendants and restrict the conditions of their existence and deprive them of the means for their development. Those nations – I will deprive them of the inner vitality necessary for their own development.

(See the original text for how all the above is lying in the wording of the text- GS)


Beraishis 12:3
pages 293-295

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