Beraishis 5C The importance of purity of the body

ויולד בדמותו כצלמו

From the order of the words here (reversed from the order in 1:26 where it says כצלמנו כדמותנו) RSRH suggests that man’s spiritual resemblance was greater than his physical resemblance. (As a result of man’s degeneration – GS)

Hirsch adds that perhaps all human being are similar spiritually. The differences are in the degree of bodily perfection (the result of man being distant from God – GS)

This explains why the Torah has such a strong emphasis on טהרת הגוף, purity of the body.

To the extent that the body is kept in purity, so is the צלם אלקים realized in the body, and only then does the body submit to the spirit.

Generally, the חוקים (statutes – see here for more on חוקים) (which aim to purify the body, are mentioned before משפטים (civil law). The reason is that Mishpatim can only be upheld by a people born and nourished in accordance with the Chukim.

This theme is developed throughout RSRH’s writings.

Beraishis 5:3
pages 152-153


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