The firstborn, in theory, tends to the material and spiritual needs of the family. Every home worldwide would flourish spiritually- receiving God’s blessing and thus thriving materially. In reality, throughout history we find that the firstborn has not yet lived up to its calling.
Examples of firstborns who were rejected are: Kayin, Esav, Reuven and all the firstborn in the wilderness
This will only become a reality at the end of history. At that time all of life will become holy. Those who bear the burden of the home will automatically also be a priest, dedicated to God. Until then, very often those who bear the material burden are not the most fit to serve as the priest.
Mashiach is described as “a priest upon his throne” (Zecharia 6:13). He will be capable of being both priest and king, leading in spirit and directing the world in its material needs. (And this will inspire the rest of humanity to uplift all aspects of their lives.) Until that time, “the two crowns will be as a reminder in God’s Temple” (v. 14 there). (Perhaps this is referring to the Jewish king who sits beside the high priest who serves in the Temple – GS)
Beraishis 4:3-6
pages 127-128
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